This is not a possibility. It is already a certainty. In the next ten years the situation will change as it has never done in history. Characters from politics, economics, science and human relations come to describe the situation as The Mother of all Crises». Both those who now have a comfortable life, and those who do not, can see their future threatened in a profound way. People who fall asleep and don’t take action will suffer and stay.
Work is getting scarcer and of poor quality. – It is a constant difficult to change. Robotization is here to stay. Some studies indicate that up to 60% of the jobs that currently exist may be carried out by automatisms or robots in the next 15 years. Above all, low-skilled jobs, repetitive jobs or jobs that do not require high knowledge are expected to disappear. In any case, occupations hitherto inaccessible to machines will also be affected to a greater or lesser extent. Of course, new occupations will be created, but they will hardly match the number of those that disappear.
Real wages decrease or remain. – The statistics are reliable in this regard and the pockets also demonstrate it. Wages distress have grown in the last ten years. In fact, in real terms, many have declined. However, the prices of food, basic products and supplies have increased and will continue to do so in the future.
Governments face great challenges due to protectionist measures. That influences jobs and living standards. All economic studies ratify it, when governments hamper international trade, unemployment increases globally and general welfare decreases.
The aging of the population. – This is a global phenomenon with the exception of very poor countries, where just the opposite occurs. People reproduce less and less. There are fears that there are not enough young people to support an aging and dependent population with their taxes.
Small businesses are threatened. – Large corporations grow endlessly, gobbling up everything in their path. Huge companies operating over the internet have eliminated hundreds of thousands of small businesses and brokerage firms as well.
Diseases are on the rise. – Although the average age of death seems to increase, the quality of life decreases. On the other hand, deaths in the age group of 15 to 49 years have increased worldwide. Furthermore, there are very worrying signs that the efficacy of current antibiotics is declining and no substitutes are being discovered. On the other hand, the possibility of a virus mutating and causing a deadly pandemic worldwide has increased significantly.
Information transmission technology and its effects.- Technological advancements are creating a new source of concern. Modern data transmission networks seem not to be innocuous. Companies only talk about the benefits of technological advances, but studies seem to show that many will be affected. The installation of new emission antennas and the multiplication of radiation will affect the health of the population that does not take measures.
Difficulties in obtaining money and generating income.- Among the most impressive challenges, the coming years will affect the changes that are already taking place in companies and businesses of all kinds. Jobs are scarce and the jobs that are promised do not finish arriving. Although there are new opportunities, greater adaptive capacity will be required to find ways to generate income.
Crime.- Inequality is increasing and that influences the increase in crime. Those in need decrease their training and may be pushed into crime. Security will decrease and surveillance and forms of protection will need to be increased.
The global financial system is again at risk. – Companies and corporations have a level of indebtedness similar to that of the beginning of the previous global crisis. Many banks are at the limit of their capacity and are artificially supported. There is again overvaluation in the real estate sector in many areas. The family structure is changing and people cannot afford high mortgages with low wages and job insecurity.
Taxes will increase and so will the cost of living. – Administrations increasingly require more money to maintain the system. The fiscal pressure will increase. Tax charges on anything you buy will undoubtedly increase. You will pay for things that until now were free or almost free.
Public health is already affected and will be even more so in the near future. – The needs of citizens are increasing at an increasing rate, but the resources to pay and sustain a good health service by governments are limited. The possibilities of accessing quality public services are already decreasing and will continue on this path.
Human relationships deteriorate. – Despite having more means to communicate, the feeling of loneliness grows. Relations between people are much more superficial. It seems increasingly difficult to establish quality friendships. On a sentimental level it is more difficult to find a suitable partner.
Radicalism grows and so does its violent effects. – Faced with a situation without exits, many individuals fall into the networks of radical ideologies. Whether religious, political or a mixture of both, the consequence leads to gratuitous violence, permanent aggressiveness or indiscriminate terrorism. Any person can be involved in an event that affects her physical integrity or puts her life at risk.
Faced with such a panorama … What can you do to
protect yourself and your loved ones?
Breathe a little. Relax. In the face of any threat, there are always opportunities and solutions. Let’s see how we can successfully tackle problems. Let’s start:
Facing challenges, the first tool is courageous readiness for action.. A passive attitude is always a disadvantage. Those who prepare, those who are willing to find solutions with a positive spirit, win. A good attitude is always well received by others. The mere presence of someone who has a proactive disposition, provides good vibrations in any environment and this makes it possible to find effective solutions.
Second tool: Focus on solutions, not problems. From the outset, you must realize that, in any negative environment, there are always people who progress and improve. Statistics show that, in the last crisis, millionaires increased. Many of them were people forced out of their comfort level by circumstances. By posing the negative situation as a stimulus to grow and bring out the best in themselves, these people changed their present from scarcity to a future of abundance. Limitations (even physical) have served as a stimulus for many to find forces that they were not aware of possessing.
Turning problems around only leads to despair. Knowing the threats is only the previous step to be able to eliminate or circumvent them. Uyou have the power to control your thoughts. Everyone has that ability, but not everyone realizes that it makes a fundamental difference. Thinking differently is the key element in overcoming any difficult situation. Not taking things for granted and allowing yourself to explore new ways of proceeding. When we set our minds on goals we begin to tune into everything that leads to the materialization of those goals. We disconnect from what causes us insecurity and begin to drain the fear that immobilizes us. Fear is not an option. But to eliminate it we need to focus our attention on the options that allow us to overcome difficulties.
The new times do not admit passivity. Just a century ago, people learned a trade or studied that allowed them to live on it for the rest of their lives. The businesses that were opened could stay with the same working system for years, generating abundant benefits. Everything has changed.
Third important point:People need to continuously recycle both in their profession and in their knowledge. Businesses need to renew and adapt quickly to increasing competition. Change your mindset. To progress you will have to continue learning the rest of your life. Don’t take it as a negative. Mentally active people live longer and enjoy their existence more according to all the studies carried out on the matter. Companies require experienced people who keep up to date acquiring new knowledge. If you set out to keep up-to-date, you will be a valuable worker to any company and have a better chance of being employed and generating more income.
If you own a company (small, medium, or large), adaptability to change will allow you to not only keep the business but also progress against others. Generating new ideas and different ways of reaching customers will make it easier for you to differentiate yourself and attract new audiences. Sometimes tiny changes can make huge differences in sales volume. Stimulating your mind will allow you to connect with what you need to progress in any complex environment.
Fourth essential element: Try to improve and maintain good health. People who actively try to take care of themselves or solve their physical problems enjoy their lives more and have more energy. The energy of our thoughts cannot be applied to its full potential if our body is not kept healthy enough to produce it.. If you now have a disease, use the resources of your mind to speed up the healing mechanisms or find effective solutions to your problem.
Fifth important element: Ensure quality relationships with other people. Human beings need contact with others. It is something intrinsic to our nature. Both on a sentimental, friends or family level, having satisfaction at these levels will allow you to increase your energy level, your mood and your desire to live. Any difficult situation can be overcome more easily if you have the support of satisfactory human relationships.
The sixth essential element is: Use your creative mental potential in the right way and maximize it. The human brain is unique among the species that inhabit our planet. It not only allows us to reason but also to project, program and build. It allows us to connect with different futures. Negative futures full of scarcity and problems or positive futures full of abundance and well-being.
If you project images of fear, scarcity, trouble and disaster, that is what will happen in your life. It will attract that vibration and allow any pernicious influence to affect you considerably. If you build images of security, abundance, goal achievement, and happiness, that is what you will experience in your life. It will build a barrier around you that will allow you to overcome any difficulty or obstacle.
The mind can materialize what we want. This is a fact as we will see below. People in general are unaware of this aspect of our human potential. We attract what we are able to visualize and feed with our emotions. But not only that. We can also access means to dramatically increase the energy of our mind and the possibility of materializing or manifesting what we need much easier and faster.
Modern quantum physics shows the influence of the mind on matter. We can modify the reality in which we live.
Experiments have already been carried out in the first half of the last century, demonstrating the power of the mind over matter. As evidenced by the physicist John Wheeler . Something that ancient philosophers already perceived and that quantum physics supports today.
Tiny particles of matter, such as photons, showed a certain behavior depending on the researcher’s will. Scientists such as Philippe Grangier, Francois Treussart and also recently Jean F. Roch have reproduced these experiments on different occasions, showing the reality of this statement.
If we can influence basic matter with a simple quick thought, it is feasible to think that we can influence our environment on a larger scale, considering that everything in the Universe is made up of tiny matter.
Quantum physics and its theories are revolutionizing scientific thinking about reality. They clearly show that fixed ideas about the Universe and its laws can no longer be the only ones within what is accepted by Science.
Visualization techniques against the phenomenon of radionics. Why use radionic? What are its advantages?
Radionic theory already postulated in the early 20th century that it was possible to identify vibrational parameters with respect to anything in the Universe. Parameters for health and disease can be established. For a given problem and for its solution. Just as visualization establishes through images what we want to happen, by means of radionics we can establish physical representations that serve to connect the reality we want with the reality we live in at a given moment. Furthermore, by means of a radionic device, a certain positive vibration can be correctly “detected” and made to affect a person.
It is not just about representing in any way, but doing it correctly perceiving it in its proper measure. What is sought is that this vibration influences the individual so that his current reality changes towards the reality whose vibration or seal we have identified.
What does this mean? Quite simply, we can alter the world we live in and interact with by influencing the future with our intention. We can attract what we want and repel what does not suit us.
When we talk about creative visualization, visualization would be the vehicle and emotion would be the fuel. Emotion prints energy and the more energy the faster the vehicle will move and the sooner we will reach our destination. The great masters of antiquity have already commented that «if you had faith like a mustard seed, you could move mountains».In visualization we create images of our objectives. The frequent problem is that the images change every time we focus on them and this makes it difficult to focus and therefore the achievement. Furthermore, we do not always have enough time and energy to dedicate ourselves constantly, on a daily basis, to influencing our lives through visualization.
In radionics the visualization is transformed into a graphic and numerical representation that we correctly identify through a tactile plate. This is fundamental. It would be like correctly identifying on a map the exact place where we want to go.
The advantage of radionic over visualization is that we do not need to maintain a constant and repetitive focus on images. The radionic apparatus does this. Radionics focus on the target and power to influence that target. A radionic device uses the mental energy of the person using the device in addition to a naturally occurring wide electromagnetic spectrum. It is also possible to expand the capacity of the device when incorporating a high-power orgone generator (See ARE X3 Pro device), in order to accelerate the expected results. The generator would serve as accessory fuel to enhance the achievement of the result, as well as the emotion in the case of visualization.
How a Radionic Device Works
Any situation, idea or thought can be measured, quantified or tuned through a radionic device. You can also measure, quantify or tune the opposite idea. Thus a negative current situation would have its positive counterpart. You can “tune in” to the measures of a specific objective such as “Improve John Horton’s communication skills”, “Attract the right partner for María García” or “increase the possibility of generating more income for Helen Turner”. Once the desired idea has been measured and after obtaining its coordinates, this positive vibration (containing the desired objective) can be «irradiated» on the person who wishes to achieve that objective and who has not yet achieved it at present. It would be like applying a specific energy “medicine” for the person being treated. That person may be the owner of the radionic device or any other chosen by whoever uses said device..
There are general radionic measures or ratios to treat ailments or diseases at the energy level. To understand it more easily, they would be like homeopathic remedies, which work on a vibratory or subtle level. And there are also radionic measures or ratios to improve aspects related to the life of any individual. Best of all, modern radionic devices allow each person to obtain their own measurements and coordinates for any idea that occurs to them. Afterwards, it is possible to use these measurements and coordinates to prepare to achieve the objectives that you want to materialize, of whatever type.
So far some of the possibilities of action of a radionic team according to the users themselves …
… Keep reading
Considering the value of a high performance radionic device based on its possibilities of use
Imagine what everything mentioned so far could mean to you! How you could improve your life with the possibility of accessing these possibilities! How could you feel, see and hear yourself in relation to the things you want to achieve? …….
If you wonder what the cost of quality radionic equipment is, we will mention that high performance radionic equipment as well as similar bioenergetic devices can range from prices ranging from 6,000 to 15,000 Euros / dollars (we are referring to devices that work very well and not to useless home gadgets).
In reality, many people would be willing to pay much more than that for the possibility of materializing their best dreams, in addition to many other minor goals. If we stop to think, How much is the faculty of approaching our desires related to health, general and economic well-being, relationships and personal goals worth?
But don’t worry, now you can have a high-performance device for much less than that..
A device of enormous possibilities, which will allow you to enjoy all the advantages that radionics can offer, in addition to a set of accessories of incalculable practical value.
Make up your mind to control your life and enjoy a higher level of reality
Many people believe that we can do nothing to carve out our own destiny or that we can do very little. In fact, most believe that everything that happens to us happens by chance. However, the reality is very different. Our mind allows us to achieve goals and modify our reality to adapt it to our true desires. The so-called «good luck» is a vibratory situation that can be searched for and can be incorporated into the day-to-day life of anyone who wants to. However, blockages and entrenched negative beliefs keep us from realizing that. The judgment of others and the fact that others consider something as possible or impossible limits our freedom of action. Sometimes we know that something is good, and yet we do not act simply because our analytical mind prevents us, or for the simple reason that others might think of us. That is the difference between those who never do anything and those who lead fulfilling and fulfilling lives.
Why do people attract negativeOur mind can also provide us with everything we need. We just have to focus it correctly. Visualization and concentration techniques allow you to do that, but few people have enough willpower to visualize consistently and in the most appropriate way. As a general rule we almost always represent in our minds the worst, our fears and our worst nightmares. We do it in detail, naturally and continuously. When people face difficulties, it is very easy to let go of discouragement and mentally represent over and over again the worst that can happen. So people often reap the negative within the possible futures that may occur. It is much more difficult to think that everything will be fine and to visualize the positive result. This requires creative effort, letting our unconscious mind do the rest.
How to attract the positive. The innovative advantages of radionic to connect with what we want
Radionics’ absolutely innovative advantage is that it allows us to focus our minds in a positive way and take advantage of its potential through specially designed devices. Mental and vital energy flows through them and connects us to a higher reality where all things are linked. In a radionic device, what we want is represented by dials and words. The intention models the present energy induced by the operator, plus the powerful subtle energy produced by the device. The apparatus connects the current situation with the desired situation, within the vital space that we share with other beings and feeding the desired action with the energy that has been mentioned. This makes possible the connection with the objectives and increases the probability of manifestation of the established goals, within the physical reality that we share with other human beings and other living beings.. The radionic device would act in this sense as a kind of imaginary «mental amplifier», which connects, through alpha numerical representations, the present state with the sought state.
How radionic worksAs mentioned, the device serves as a very powerful mind by constantly visualizing the positive solution of the situations we are facing. Depending on the radionic device used, we will activate our energies and those of the environment or, in addition, subtle and powerful energy produced by the same device. This last option is the most interesting because of its multiple advantages, because it allows anyone to access a world of infinite possibilities. Above all, the real possibility of getting what you want and that suits you. Radionic also seems to work in complex situations that require concatenated solutions. It would be like accessing a universal Matrix where people and things are united and can interact. In this way, realities could be constructed according to what is convenient for those who dare to elaborate their destiny instead of waiting for external circumstances to shape their existence. |
The different radionic equipments
There are radionic devices that can be used to duplicate homeopathic remedies, to treat ailments, to increase energy, to achieve goals or for all that at the same time, and much more.
Classical radionics devices consisted of relatively simple circuits, detector plate and plates for trend and target. These devices worked well, but experience indicated that the operator needed to maintain a good mental state and also physical for the results to be optimal. At present, these devices have evolved so that some of them have a generator of vital energy, subtle energy or orgone, so that they provide the force necessary to maintain a constant flow of power towards the target pursued by the user. In this way, the user is assured that the device generates enough vital energy so that the goal materializes much more safely, independently of its own personal or mental energy and without draining or affecting your own vitality. That’s very important.
The ARE X1, ARE X2 and ARE X3 Pro devices are apparatus that have a powerful vital energy generator (Orgon energy, Chí energy or Pranic energy). Especially the radionic device ARE X3 Pro, which is the most powerful of the range and that can provide you with unusual possibilities (do not confuse the generator and emitter of vital energy included in a device like this, with a simple orgone accumulator. An orgone accumulator has a minimum capacity to transfer energy; and this greatly diminishes its possibilities). On the other hand the ARE X appliances are very simple to use. Anyone can start using them in minutes
The special quality and power of the ARE X 3 Pro device, makes it one of the best options to use and directly experience the benefits of radionics. This is so both in the case you want to check by yourself any of the actions commented above by the users, as if you intend to carry out experiences related to your own objectives.
There are other radionic devices with an orgone generator (approximate emission of up to 30,000 Bovis of power) of similar price in the market, but ARE X devices (especially ARE X3 Pro) have a 20 times higher emission of subtle energy (also called Chi, Orgón, Prana) (approximate emission of up to 600,000 Bovis of power) This difference is essential to speed up processes. In addition the quality of components and the increase of functions of the ARE X devices, make them the most advantageous option in their relation quality, power, functions and price. |
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An extraordinary opportunity to own your own ARE X3 Pro device, with a special promotional discount coupon
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If the possibility of having your own radionic device fascinates you, you now have a unique opportunity to obtain it at an irresistible price and with magnificent conditions. This time we are promoting the most powerful device in the ARE range and the most requested by our customers:
The AREX-3 Pro DeviceProduct descriptionIt is the radionic «star device» of the series ARE X, taking into account its characteristics in addition to its high power generation and emission of orgón energy This device has been designed to achieve the maximum efficiency and speed possible in the realization of any experience. There is no better thing in the market according to its price and characteristic. When it was designed, it was taken into account the desire of many users to have a device of low cost and affordable that allowed reaching high degrees of satisfaction and security in their actions. |
Here are its features:
Es la característica más destacada de este aparato. La energía sutil producida se mide en bovis (medida utilizada por geobiólogos y radiestesístas). En este instrumento se alcanzan y superan las 600.000.- unidades.
It’s another distinguishing feature. Given the accumulated experience in developing similar devices, it was concluded that the addition of four dials allows connecting both trend as the target more precisely. In short, it has four dials to set the target or subject and four dials to set the trend. With this it achieved perfectly tune a thing as the other, with an extraordinary level of accuracy and positive results.
She powerful dual output via two silver tubes is maintained. The use of noble materials such as silver allows greater fluidity and quality emission of subtle energy. That increases the speed of the results, especially in difficult or complex issues.
It has a selector to set 9 preset output positions. This makes it easy for the operator to choose the frequency that he considers most appropriate for each type of action.
Many operators (users) prefer to choose the output frequency themselves, so they can reach a wider range of experiences. This device also has an additional manual selector to satisfy this possibility of experimentation.
An action that can be performed at high speed (much greater than in the ARE X1, ARE X2 and other devices) thanks to its extraordinary power of emission
It’s possible to choose the Intrinsic Data Fields that the operator wants to use (radionic ratios, affirmations, phrases, etc.) and radiate them to food and drinks so that they are «loaded» with the intention (see Dr. E. Moto book on this subject). Observe the interesting results and their positive effects. You can use messages to get changes at all levels. Many operators use it to improve the taste of foods, wines and all types of beverages.
Food and beverages (the body is 70% water) can be energized using the ARE X3 Pro device. Experiment on yourself, your family and friends with different frequencies, with the so-called «terrestrial frequency», with Alpha waves, etc. Consider using this possibility in any type of vibrational therapy.
Your device will allow you to transmit the Intrinsic Information Fields that you consider most appropriate to any type of object (better if they are natural objects or noble metals). For example, you can transfer the intention of a phrase or mantra in jewels, rings, quartz, various decoration objects, etc. so that you can send this intention to de person who uses them. Imagine the possibilities for action and the positive consequences of this type of action.
Radionics provides possibilities for experimentation and improvement in any living being. (See information regarding positive work with animals and plants). Many operators use this type of equipment on small and large-scale crops and land
The ARE X3 Pro allows interconnection with other devices via cable. If you have purchased equipment such as ARE X1 or ARE X2 you can connect them in series with the ARE X3 Pro and take advantage of the synergy of several devices together to feed trends towards yourself or other subjects with greater strength. Even if you have other radionic devices that allow the interconnection, your ARE A3 Pro will allow you to reach higher levels of performance with an unusual power.
If you are used to working with subtle energies with people who need help, this device allows you to channel enough power to quickly improve the expected results. Many people appreciate improvements in their states in minutes. You can combine with other actions and even improve the remedies you use regularly (see detailed instructions in the user manual).
Many operators have reported that the ARE X3 Pro device is very effective when addressing complex targets that require the confluence of minor or secondary targets. The greater the number of possibilities for interdependence in goals or needs, the more energy will be required. The same happens in situations that have resulted in very negative circumstances. More power is required to straighten these processes. The ARE X3 Pro is perfect to act in all kinds of situations, simple or difficult, providing greater chances of success.
The ARE X3 Pro device is approximately 30 times more powerful than most equipment on the market. 25 times more powerful than the ARE X1 device, and 12 times more powerful than the ARE X2 device (And others similar equipments with 3 dials).
The device is served in a compact protective case, a smart appearance one, perfect for transporting the device and avoid any damage on it. It Includes power adapter.
The equipment is served with perfectly understandable instructions of use, that include everything necessary to begin to work with the equipment from the first moment.
Taking into account its possibilities and great output power, it is the most recommended device. The investment is slightly higher than that of the ARE X2 device but the great difference is marked by its extraordinary subtle vital energy generator (very important to accelerate all processes and work with more complex objectives), in addition to having four dials connected to «Trend «Plate and four dials connected to «Target» plate. Its qualities make it absolutely amortizable and the advantages and services that will bring you are not even close to its cost. |
Computer software for radionic ARE X devices (X2 and X3 Pro)
Basic program for the use of ARE X radionic devices. Easy to use, it increases and simplifies the possibilities of using your radionic device. It facilitates experimentation and provides a tool that will allow you to expand the range of actions.
It is the perfect tool for alternative therapists and people who want to get even more out of their ARE X device. It avoids the need to use writings for the definition of objectives or realization of possible experimental energetic-vibratory studies of different subjects. It can also be used for personal development actions or queuing work for personal goals of one’s own or those of others.
It is important to note that with this program you can address not only the exploration and measurement but also the balancing (2) of each aspect separately, depending on the alteration detected in a group.
Each group of ratios includes subgroup (which can be displayed in a menu) to specifically explore where the imbalance is in a particular way. That is, the group is measured to see if there is alteration and then the specific alteration can be investigated within what the group understands.
It includes:
- Database of the most commonly used rates in energetic therapy (1)
- The ratios are segmented by groups (to facilitate measurement and emission actions). This facilitates the work of exploration, measurement and balancing (2) in relation to any subject and on aspects such as:
- Overall positive level
- Psychological state
- Mobile
- Nutrition-Metabolism
- Neurological
- Endocrine
- Hematological
- Immune system
- Ophthalmological
- Otolaryngologist
- Oral-Dental
- Pulmonary
- Cardiovascular
- Gastrointestinal
- Hepatic-Biliary
- Renal-Urological
- Reproductive
- Muscular-Skeletal
- Dermatological
- Environmental charge
- Viral energy charge (3)
- Bacterial energy charge
- Toxic energy charge
- Environmental energy charge
- Others
- Includes a list of affirmations specially designed for states of mind
- Allows the inclusion and issuance of particular objectives
- It allows the own elaboration and issuance of affirmations, mantras, decrees, wishes to make or phrases for its radionic emission
- Allows the use and emission of colors, drawings, music or videos
- Allows the inclusion of other radionic ratios
- It is supplied with User Manual-Quick guide easy to understand
- It is not necessary to know how to program.
- Designed to be used in a few minutes by people of any age without specific knowledge.
- Spanish or English language
(Important note.- It is necessary that the computer where the program is installed uses Windows 10. The program is designed to be used with an ARE X device, seeking the highest user satisfaction. Radionic programs without the use of specific physical equipment of quality offer zero or low results. To unzip the file, WinZip or WinRaris necessary.)
(1) Alphanumeric representations of states or concepts (at the vibratory level) both positive and negative to proceed with balanced energy.
(2) Exploration and balancing at the energy level, not medical or physical. Conventional analyzes can only be carried out by legally qualified professionals. Remember that legally, any possible illness must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor or medical professional according to the laws of the country of your residence.
(3) Basic program for the use of ARE X radionic devices. Easy to use, it increases and simplifies the possibilities of using your radionic device. It facilitates experimentation and provides a tool that will allow you to expand the range of actions. Ideal for alternative therapists and people who want to get even more out of their ARE X device. It avoids the need to use writings for the definition of objectives or realization of possible experimental energetic-vibratory studies of different subjects. It can also be used for personal development actions or programming work for personal goals or those of othersThe concept of «load» implies possible energy derangement of negative bias in relation to what is indicated.
Available only during the next:
The incredible advantages of own radionic device
Owning your own radionic device will allow you to experiment with multiple possibilities like those mentioned above by the users. But in addition, almost all people find a specific field of goals to fulfil, whether of a therapeutic nature, personal development, material, spiritual or about relationship with other people.
Imagine for a moment how you could change your life by fulfilling your goals and desires. A radionic apparatus can represent a significant change in any of the goals you currently have in mind. Consider how you and your people would benefit from solving problems that currently concern you. Of course, we are not talking about things outside of physical reality, but to bring about feasible changes that can mean a huge difference in their present conditions. you can not expect developing wings on your back or change the day to have 26 hours. A radionic equipment is not a miracle team that meets 100 x 100 anything we raise. We speak of serious and real goals. Possibilities that we consider feasible but that require the positive confluence of different events.
Anyone can easily use it
Radionics, like creative visualization, has the goal of allowing humans access to higher possibilities of action in the field that anybody can choose. Nothing more and nothing less. Visualization requires practice, development of a mental ability, constancy, dedication and plenty of time (if you want results). However, radionics allows a simple and direct targeting, a minimum preparation and follow-up time and with a much higher possibility of positive resolution. Radionics do not require special training and anyone can use it at any age. On the other hand, in devices like the ARE X3 Pro, the mental energy for any action is reinforced by the high power orgone energy generator built into the device itself. This marks a fundamental difference to achieve the materialization of objectives. Any action requires energy. The ARE X3 Pro provides continuously modulated orgone energy. The constant attention by the operator is no longer essential.
Have you thought about what you would be willing to do to improve your current conditions or solve the problems that concern you? What about your goals and desires? How much would you be willing to give to make the path to them easier, relaxed or more feasible? Is it possible to tilt «luck» or conditions in your favor? The answer may lie in Radionics.
Some comments about the ARE X3 Pro device:
“I never thought anything like that could exist. It’s fascinating to see how it works ” |
“Very good results in sports” |
“It’s great when applying to your business.” |
“Undoubtedly I have improved my relationships.” |
“I started with Radionics to address health issues, but then I realized that the range of possibilities is enormous” |
«I am a sensitive person and I can see and feel the flow of energy generated” |
“The first problems I dealt with, were solved and I thought it was all pure chance, but there comes a time when you have to assume that something happen when you use a radionic device like this one. This is real and you can see how things evolve for the better.” |
“It’s difficult to explain why a little machine can act so positively but, according to my experience, I have no doubt. This is very effective.” |
“I must admit that I tried this equipment because I had a money back guarantee, but I didn’t have to use it. I’m happy with the investment.” |
“For therapy it’s great. People see and feel the results. Perfect for personal affairs.” |
“Much better than other old radionics machines I have.” |
To see more comments from users who already have the AREX3-Pro device
Just by having requested our book, you can now have an ARE device for an unbeatable price for only a few days. The AREX-3 Pro radionic device + Software ) has a usual price of 2,159 Euros plus shipping expenses. But now you can get it for a special reduced price along with a series of extras of great interest:
Available only for a limited time until…
If you really want to improve your current conditions and take charge of your own reality and your future, Radionics can be one of your best values and a powerful tool to get what you are looking for.
Of course you can miss this magnificent opportunity if you prefer to continue in your current situation. You may choose to postpone the solution to the problems that concern you. You can choose to continue doing the same as before, with the same results. You can decide to give up the possibility of accessing goals and desires that you would like to see realized. You are free to continue with a life of effort and resignation or you can access to the option of a life with more opportunities, more fulfilling and with more possibilities of accomplishment. At this point, you might ask yourself: Is so much sacrifice necessary for everything? Is it possible to do things more simply?
On the other hand, assuming your current existence is acceptable to you, perhaps you would like to improve your present conditions or have the possibility to help others get what they want or need.Surely you would like to positively influence family, friends or close friends.
Consider that radionics can make a fundamental difference in both your actions and the results you expect; in your life as in the lives of those around you. It is a splendid opportunity to improve now and in the future.
We do not intend that you believe anything without reason. Do not consider anything of the exposed like affirmations without foundation. We give you the opportunity to experiment and check without risking anything. With the ARE X3 Pro you will have a full return guarantee. In the unlikely event that the device does not meet your expectations, you will have 30 days to return it from the time you receive it and recover the amount paid by the device without any explanation. In addition, if you decide to return your equipment ARE X3 Pro, you can keep, in any case, the radionic scalar antenna as a gift from us.
Postponing things is not usually a good option. Good opportunities require decisive and quick action to prevent them from disappearing. This extraordinary offer will be available only until the end of the period indicated here or until the end of the stock of equipments for this offer (there is a limit number of devices with the price and exceptional conditions included in this offer). The experience with other articles indicates that many people are quick to access these offers on time. If you do not want to miss this opportunity, decide today and enjoy this extraordinary device as soon as possible.
(Note.- This offer is only available to those who have requested information or downloaded the book about Radionics that we offer for free, and are registered in our database.Limit one device per person with these special conditions. If you have received this offer from Radionic-International directly, you are in our database)
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Remember that if you pay for your device with a VISA card, you can ask the bank to authorize you to pay the amount in easily payments (for guidance, in 24 monthly installments the cost is usually less than 79 euros per month).
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What are scalar radionic antennas?
These are devices that can be used together with the ARE X3 Pro device or separately to enhance and improve results. By using them separately you can convert your cell, tablet or computer into an additional radio transmitter. They can be used for objectives similar to or different from those pursued with their main ARE X3 Pro equipment. They are used to influence a person’s vibratory field in order to facilitate positive changes. Through these antennas you can send affirmations, radionic ratios, specific phrases, music for therapy, subliminal messages, etc. (They can also be used for experiments similar to those performed by the famous Dr. Emoto)
The Chartres Radionic Scalar Antenna is mainly used for matters related to the operator itself.
The Amiens Radionic Scalar Antenna is primarily used for matters related to people other than the operator itself.
Both antennas are supplied with detailed and at the same time simple instructions for use, so you can get the most out of them and start using them from the first moment. They are a perfect complement to your radionic device and will be very useful in the various objectives with which you can work.
Once the order is firm, when will it be shipped?
Once payment of the complete pack is received, the order will leave our warehouses between 24 and 48 hours later. International shipments take between 7 and 10 days to arrive.
I have no experience in radionics. It’s an equipment like this easy to use?
Of course. The complete radionics pack and each of its components are delivered with complete and precise instructions, simple to understand and detailed. No previous experience is necessary or special knowledge. The success of radionic equipment lies in its simplicity compared to other methods.
Is the guarantee they give money back real?
Absolutely. You will have 30 days from the receipt of your order to check the effectiveness of the equipment and its worth. In the unlikely event that you did not want it, you just have to return it and we will refund the amount paid in full. (Shipping costs or any other extras are non-refundable).
Are the instructions for use in Spanish? English?
The deviced can be shipped with Spanish, English or Portuguese instructions. Please detail it when ordering.
How long can I take to see the result of a radionic job?
It will depend on the personal objective and individual circumstances. In matters of therapy the results can be very fast (even minutes). In general terms, time measurements cannot be established, although the device itself will show you the progress.
Can I use the device with different objectives at the same time?
Absolutely. Most operators have their devices running day and night, exchanging various objectives to work from time to time. On the other hand, having two additional antennas will allow you to work minor matters with them separately.
Is it difficult to use the adhesive plate of the radionic equipment?
Quite the opposite. One of the advantages of Radionics is that the use of basic elements such as the adherent plate (through which the different signals are perceived for use) is very simple. Following the instructions, 95% of people can use it immediately and the rest will not require more than two or three practice sessions.
If you need any additional clarification you can contact our offices by email or phone during business hours.
We reach the end. It is up to you to decide. It’s not about believing or not believing. It’s about experimenting and checking. We do not want you to have doubts. That is why we want to offer you the possibility of a risk-free test.
You will enjoy a 30-day warranty to check the effectiveness of this type of device. In the unlikely event that your use did not satisfy you or did not obtain the expected results, you can return the ARE X 3 Pro device and fully recover the amount paid for it without explaining.
You may need to solve problems or situations that now consume your mind, your energy and your time. Think about it. How much would you give to find solutions to your urgent problems? Why not try a simple system that allows you to access the capabilities you need now? Don’t you think it would be valuable to have a tool that would help you today and in the future too? Of course, you can miss this opportunity, but you will also continue to endure problems that you could overcome much more easily.
On the other hand, remember: Do not risk anything. You will have a period of 30 days to check the effectiveness of the devices you purchase. If you are not satisfied, simply return them and recover the amount paid without explanation.
You can use your credit card or Pay Pal to make your purchase. Finally, keep in mind the significant discount applied to this offer. It will be available only for the next days and for subscribers. Then the offer will disappear and you will no longer be able to purchase your AREX-3 Pro with the extended pack at a special price. Only at the usual price indicated on our website.
Save and start enjoying the enormous possibilities of this device by quickly receiving it by messaging. You will be glad of your good decision.
Note.- We clarify that radionics, like visualization, cannot guarantee 100 x 100 the materialization of any unrealizable goal, for the simple reason that we are subject to physical laws that prevent us from having wings or studying an engineering career in a week . However, radionics does offer to find the right vibration to accelerate the processes of materialization of what we want within the real possibilities. Tuning into those frequencies provides extraordinary possibilities according to the postulates of radionic theory. The best way to verify it in practice is through personal experimentation (All our advanced radionic equipment is shipped with a 30-day full money-back guarantee in the unlikely event that the buyer did not obtain the desired results)
(*) Radionics does not replace doctors. Radionics only considers the vibratory or energetic level, a dimension not recognized by official science. If you think you are sick, you should see your doctor or recognized healthcare staff immediately, who are legally qualified to treat illnesses and physical problems.
(+) Provided that a point of “no return” has not been reached.
(#) The suggested uses do not imply claims by the marketer. Results cannot be guaranteed since each user and circumstances are different. Any suggestions within the text should be understood as possibilities to experiment. A comprehensive money-back guarantee is provided in case the device does not meet your expectations.