Modern science confirms that human beings can influence matter with our own will. Experiments have shown that an observer can decide by thought alone whether a subatomic particle behaves one way or another in space. Next, the tiny piece of matter then adjusts to the will of the scientist performing the laboratory test.  


Parallel realities. Accesses to enhanced possibilities


This simple experience of quantum physics confirms to all schools of thought that, for centuries, have advocated that human beings have the ability to create their own reality. Now there is talk of «parallel universes» where it is possible to experience different possible options for the future depending on the own choice. Some in the positive direction and others in the negative direction. They are theoretical options to which scientists give credibility according to different studies carried out in research departments of prestigious universities.

Everything we see is made up of atoms, which in turn are made up of even smaller particles of matter. Our body, what surrounds us, what we eat, plants, animals and things in general are conglomerates of these particles that are related in space. Everything that happens in the Universe is the result of the interrelation of matter.

Most people go through life trusting that the «interrelationship of matter» in which they find themselves will allow them good things to «coincidentally» happen to them and they will be lucky to avoid bad ones. They consider that it is only possible to adopt a passive attitude where the will does not come into play. On the other hand, it is common to observe times in which everything seems to be going well and others in which everything seems to happen in the worst way. Good and bad streaks. As if we were in a sea of major and minor “energy tides”.


Thinking differently brings us closer to more positive realities

The experiences of quantum physics allow us to consider options other than the reality we live in, based on experimental certainty. If we human beings can influence particles of matter with our will, it is possible to think that we can also influence larger conglomerates of these particles of matter or «construction pieces» from which everything around us is made. It would be possible to reach the conclusion that we choose to improve our present and our future if we consider that we can do it. Being aware that we have that capacity brings us closer to improved realities.

If we stop to think, we will realize that there are people for whom things seem to be going well even in general difficult situations. They are those who are said to have a «star» or to have good luck in their day to day life. Others, however, seem to suffer from continual difficulties and their life is immersed in a succession of problems that usually end negatively. A final group, the majority, is made up of those who oscillate between better and worse periods and vice versa, with the uncertainty of not knowing when one or the other will arrive.

Regardless of what period you consider yourself to be at present, you will undoubtedly want to know the options we have to stay as long as possible in a positive reality. We call a positive reality that which allows us to enjoy better health, a feeling of fulfillment, more periods of happiness, better family or partner relationships, economic stability or abundance, personal and family protection, as well as the achievement of personal goals and objectives, among the main.

Proactive and positive programming of the mind

Our brain has a function similar to that of a computer. Depending on the programs that we use and their content, we will obtain better or worse results. There are people who only perceive the circumstances that they consider negative. When they feel good, they don’t appreciate it. They don’t realize that feeling grateful for small moments of enjoyment can make it easier to cultivate a feeling of well-being that grows every day. 

If we are continually expecting things to go wrong, we will inevitably be feeding the mind in a negative direction. When we fear that something negative will happen, we feed our imagination with images that recreate undesirable situations and proceed to configure matter (from its most elementary particles) building what we imagine. We enter the parallel universe in which the adverse situation that we have been programming occurs.

The positive and proactive person thinks differently. He/her enjoys the little things in life and expects the best to happen. A simple pleasant conversation, performing a small good deed, making life easier for other people or the simple fact of enjoying a tasty meal are grains of sand with which a mind is built that attracts the so-called «positive vibrations«. In other words, “harmonious configurations of reality” that connect with other desirable realities.


Creative visualization: A good tool for change


      We say creative visualization when we refer the production of mental images aimed at representing what is desirable that we want to happen. This type of visualization allows you to train your mind to improve your ability to imagine future situations with as many details as possible. When we develop this ability we have a very useful tool to counteract any negative thoughts and facilitate the positive to happen.

The correct use of creative visualization also implies training the will. It is important not only to have a good imagination, capable of creating situations that are good for us or other people, it is also necessary to set aside time periodically to carry out this type of mental action.

      If you practice meditation regularly, you can use your meditative periods to create visualizations aimed at getting what you want. Healing visualizations can represent a before and after in disease processes. People who, in addition to following medical advice, train themselves to imagine that their ailment dissolves or that their body regenerates, have healing rates that are much higher than normal.

      The same happens with visualizations aimed at achieving personal improvement goals, increasing economic income or enjoying personal or sentimental relationships. Highly trained people claim to be able to get most of the situations they experience to reproduce what they have programmed in their minds (or come very close), as long as they are positive and balanced experiences for all parties.

Can reality be modified? Three ways to approach this action

Ultimately all matter is a type of energy and therefore a type of vibration. Reality can be modified directly, with our physical actions and also through the subtlest energies that compose it according to theoretical models. The mind can influence matter on a vibratory level, but it is unstable and requires a high degree of will, repetition and energy to operate on large amounts of matter on a physical level. The visualization that occurs on a calm and trained mind can achieve measurable and observable changes, but it requires training and perseverance in most cases.

Personal will and effort is another means of modifying our reality. It is the classic work-reward model through which people who set their minds, energy and sacrifice on a certain goal end up achieving it at a high price.

A third way involves the use of devices that allow us to link the representation of current reality with the representation of an immaterial and future reality that we intend to make come true. It is the world of radionics and the devices that facilitate interaction with the quantum world.


Radionics versus visualization as a way to connect and make what we want come true. The simplest option that anyone can use with ease.


Radionics represents a step forward from visualization. It goes much further. Simply because it allows us to set our goals, make measurements, adjust the use of energy to accelerate changes and increase the chances of achievement exponentially. Everything from a much simpler perspective, which does not require training or hours of effort or meditation. (traducción de la foto: You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts will take you)

In radionics, visualization is transformed into a graphic and numerical representation that we correctly identify through a touch plate. This is something fundamental. It would be like correctly identifying on a map the exact place where we want to go.

The advantage of radionics over visualization is that we don’t need to maintain a constant and repetitive focus on the images. The radionic device does. Radionics focuses on the target, facilitating and enhancing fixation on that target. A radionic device uses the mental energy of the person using the device in addition to a broad electromagnetic spectrum naturally present. In addition, it is possible to expand the capacity of the device when a high-power orgone generator is incorporated (See ARE X3 Pro device), in order to accelerate the expected results. The generator would serve as an accessory fuel to enhance the achievement of the result, as well as the emotion does in the case of visualization.

There is nothing miraculous about radionics, nor is it the product of pseudoscientific quackery. It is the fruit of more than a century of development since its inception. All of its promoters have been people with a solid background in various conventional sciences, from medicine, engineering and the modern world of computing.


The working principle of a well-structured radionics device

Hand with marker writing: How Does It Work?


We start from the postulates of radionics in relation to the fact that any situation, idea or thought can be measured, quantified or tuned through a radionic device. The opposite idea can also be measured, quantified or tuned. 

Thus, a negative current situation would have its positive counterpart. You can “tune” the measures of a given goal such as “Improve John Horton’s communication skills”, “Attract the right partner for Maria Garcia” or “increase the possibility of generating more income for Helen Turner”. Once the desired idea has been measured and its coordinates obtained, that positive vibration (containing the desired objective) can be «radiated» on the person who wishes to achieve said objective and who has not yet achieved it. It would be like applying a specific energy «medicine» for the person being treated. That person may be the owner of the radionic device or any other person chosen by the user of said device.

There are general radionic measures or rates to treat ailments or diseases at an energetic level. (Remember here that using radionics at this level does not imply abandoning any conventional medical treatment, since it is not exclusive and does not intend to occupy the space of any doctor).

To understand it more easily, they would be like homeopathic remedies, which work at a vibrational or subtle level. And there are also measures or radionic ratios to improve aspects related to the life of any individual. Best of all, modern radionic devices allow each person to obtain their own measurements and coordinates for any idea that occurs to them. Then it is possible to use those measurements and coordinates to get ready to achieve the objectives that you want to materialize, whatever kind they are.

A well-made and well-configured radionics device (such as an ARE X3 Pro device) is delivered with clear and easy instructions that anyone can get it up and running in just a few minutes.

Below we include a small list of the utilities that the owners of advanced radionic devices comment on the objectives sought with their equipment:


– Act (at a vibrational level) on a huge number of problems related to physical well-being. From the most simple to the most important.
– Increase the possibilities of action of common treatments
– Improve the application of therapies even in situations considered important

– Increase vital energy and vitality in general
– Direct vital energy to solve a specific problem

– Boost personal capacities in intellectual or sports fields
– Facilitate concentration and deep meditative states
Improve physical appearance
– Rejuvenate the face
– Help yourself or help others lose weight
– Facilitate quitting smoking or other harmful substances
– Increase attractiveness to the opposite sex
– Attract a suitable partner for your needs
– Improve and increase your sex life
– Increase the ability to concentrate, memorize and study
– Influencing other people (positive influence)
– Improve income
–  Facilitate the increase of customers in a company
– Increase the possibilities of increasing the sales of a company
– Increase sales on a personal level (for sellers)
– Increase the capacity for conviction
– Help your children with exams
– Increase a musical or artistic ability
– Find solutions to especially complex challenges or problems
– Create harmonious environments in your home, workplace or professional environments
– Solve problems between people
– Transfer information to water, drinks or food to consume them and assimilate that information at a deep level
– Vibrationally energize water, drinks or food
– Vitalize and treat plants

Eliminate pests
– influence animals
– Perform therapies on animals
– influence microorganisms
– Transfer information or «charge» quartz, metals, ornaments or jewelry.
– Facilitate the rental of properties
– Incorporate skills of outstanding people in fields such as investment, communication, art, sports, etc.

– Increase the results of advertising actions
– Acquire the most suitable and convenient properties at a given time
– Reduce or avoid bad investments
– Facilitate protection on the move and on trips
– Dissolve personal blockages due to traumas and unhappy love affair
– Facilitate agreements in negotiations
– Find the most suitable vehicle or special object for your needs
– Charge a property, vehicle or thing with positive energy to make it more attractive to others (for sale, rent, promotion, etc.)
– Facilitate the protection of the home in absences
– Facilitate collections
– Facilitate community agreements or in organizations
– Improve advertising actions at any level
– Choose the most appropriate media for a campaign or adversitaction
– Identify fields of action to increase economic income

– Charge resumes (curriculum) with positive energy
– Increase the durability of certain perishable products
– Improve the operation of vehicles or machinery
– Achieve more easily the so-called deep experiences of «flow»
– Dissolve or make negative actions or ideas disappear in others
– Develop psychic abilities
– Facilitate the achievement of oppositions and evidence
– Accelerate the learning of a foreign language
– Adapt faster to a new work environment


 So far, some of the possibilities of action of a radionic equipment are shown, according to the most commented experiences of the users themselves…

We can add other apects that are worked with creative visualization and that are also approachable with a radionic action device (remember that with much greater ease and possibilities of realization)…

– Be liked much better by others and achieve their collaboration
– Facilitate the development of personal charisma
– Increase written communication skills
– Achieve inner calm
– Improve the ability to speak in public or in front of certain people
– Increase physical resistance
– Improve voice
– Accelerate healing processes
– Influence others to bring out the best in themselves
– Develop specific skills needed for the job
– Increase joy, the will to live and personal positive vibration in oneself or in others 

– Increase the circumstances that encourage actions such as travel, vacations, etc.
– Protection in trips or travel
– Home or property protection
– Carry out the perfect vacation
– Carry out a perfect wedding or celebration
– Generate ideas for new businesses or revitalize old ones
– Facilitate the collection of overdue debts
– Get the collaboration of other people
– Select the most suitable foods to improve your health and physical condition
– Replicate homeopathic remedies and other products
– Enhance the taste of various beverages
– Measure personal compatibility or possibility of success in relationships between people
– Increase the ability to visualize, attract and influence what surrounds you

– Significantly increase the materialization of personal and business goals
– Help find objects and people
– Measure the possibilities of materializing an objective at a given moment
– Choose the most appropriate options to our interests from the vibrational point of view
– Eliminate negative energies of any kind (telluric, electromagnetic, personal, vitiated environments, etc.)
– Induce or increase the positive energy present in a home, environment or business

– Remove bad odors and bad vibrations
– Select the most suitable nutrients for plants or animals (at vibratory level)
– Increase physical and sports performance
– Extraordinarily improve the chances of a work or sports team to succeed
– Improve the durability of devices, vehicles or instruments
– Improve equipments (or gadgets) consumption and performance
– Improve the texture or flavor of vegetables and cooked foods
– Modify negative behaviors and behaviors in yourself and others
– Facilitate relationships between people or couples
– Accelerate the resolution of conflicts and demands
– Improve your career opportunities
– Facilitate the sale of properties
… And many new applications created by users constantly


The value of a high-performance radionic device


¡Imagine what everything mentioned so far could mean to you! How could you improve your life with the possibility of accessing these possibilities! How might you feel, look and how would you hear yourself getting the things you want to achieve?…


If you are wondering what the cost of quality radionic equipment is, we will mention that high-performance radionic equipment, as well as similar bioenergetic devices, can range in price from 6,000 to 15,000 US Dollars/ Euros (we are referring to devices that they work very well and not to useless homemade gadgets).

Actually, many people would be willing to pay much more than that for the possibility of realizing their greatest dreams, in addition to many other lesser goals. If we stop to think, how much is the ability to get closer to our desires related to health, general and economic well-being, relationships and personal goals worth?

But don’t worry, now you can have a high performance device for much less than that. A device with enormous possibilities, which will allow you to enjoy all the advantages that radionics can offer, as well as a set of accessories of incalculable practical value.




Take control of your life and access a higher level of realityradionica sea dueño de su vida


Many people believe that we can do nothing to carve out our own destiny or that we can do very little. In fact, most believe that everything that happens to us happens by pure chance. However, the reality is quite different.

Our mind allows us to achieve goals and modify our reality to adapt it to our true desires. The so-called «good luck» is a vibratory situation that can be sought and can be incorporated into the daily life of any person who proposes it. However, blockages and ingrained negative beliefs prevent us from realizing that. The judgment of others and the fact that others consider something possible or impossible, limits our freedom of action. Sometimes we know that something is good and yet we do not act simply because our analytical mind prevents us from doing so, or for the simple reason of what others might think about us. That is the difference between those who never do anything and those who lead full and satisfying lives.


Why do people attract the negative?

Our mind can also provide us with everything we need. We just have to focus it correctly. Visualization and concentration techniques allow you to do that, but few people have the willpower to visualize consistently and in the most appropriate way. As a general rule, we almost always represent the worst in our minds, our fears and our worst nightmares. We do it in detail, naturally and continuously. When people are faced with a difficulty, it is very easy to get discouraged and mentally represent the worst that can happen over and over again. That is why people tend to reap the negative within the possible futures that may happen. It is much more difficult to think that everything will be fine and visualize the positive result. This requires creative effort, letting our unconscious mind do the rest.


How to attract the positive. The innovative advantages of radionics

The absolutely innovative advantage of Radionics is that it allows us to focus our minds in a positive way and take advantage of its potential through specially designed devices. Mental and vital energy flows through them and connects us with a higher reality where all things are linked. In a radionics device, what we want is represented by dials and words. The intention models the present energy induced by the operator, plus the powerful subtle energy produced by the device. The apparatus connects the current situation with the desired situation, within the vital space that we share with other beings and feeding the desired action with the energy that has been mentioned.
This enables the desired connection with and materialization in the reality that we share with other human beings and other living beings.


How radionic works

Men are eager to improve their circumstances, but few are willing to improve themselves; therefore, they are still in the same circumstances (Seneca)

As mentioned, the device acts as a very powerful mind would by constantly visualizing the positive solution of the situations it faces. Depending on the radionic device used, we will put into operation our energies and those of the environment or, in addition, subtle and powerful energy produced by the same device. This last option is the most interesting due to its multiple advantages, because it allows anyone to access a world of infinite possibilities. Above all, the real possibility of getting what you want and what suits you.

Radionics also seems to work in complex situations that require linked solutions. It would be like accessing a universal Matrix where people and things are united and can interact. In this way, realities could be built based on what is convenient for those who dare to elaborate their destiny instead of waiting for external circumstances to configure their existence.

Fields of action:


  • Improved fitness and physical performance
  • Simple alternative therapy with extraordinary results
  • Issuance of affirmations with quick effects
  • Energy balancing
  • Mental Wellness
  • Interpersonal and couple relationships
  • Spiritual Development Works
  • Protection from external negative influences of all kinds
  • Accelerated mental performance
  • Applications on business and economic objectives
  • Sport teams, work teams y su desarrollo
  • Applications on animals and plants
  • Empowerment and improvement of business objectives
  • Increasing ability to make best decisions
  • Studies, exams and oppositions
  • Achievement of personal goals of all kinds
  • Manifestation of material objectives
  • Improvement of visualization and mental concentration
  • Vibrational therapy complementary to conventional aggressive treatments
  • Increased efficiency in bioenergetic equipment
  • Increasing efficiency in other basic radionic equipment
  • And a long etc.



What you should know about current radionic equipment and the different options

                There are radionic devices that can be used to duplicate homeopathic remedies, to treat ailments, to increase energy, to achieve goals or for all that at the same time, and much more.

                Classical radionics devices consisted of relatively simple circuits, detector plate and plates for trend and target. These devices worked well, but experience indicated that the operator needed to maintain a good mental state and also physical for the results to be optimal. At present, these devices have evolved so that some of them have a generator of vital energy, subtle energy or orgone, so that they provide the force necessary to maintain a constant flow of power towards the target pursued by the user. In this way, the user is assured that the device generates enough vital energy so that the goal materializes much more safely, independently of its own personal or mental energy and without draining or affecting your own vitality. That’s very important.

            The ARE X1, ARE X2 and ARE X3 Pro devices are apparatus that have a powerful vital energy generator (Orgon energy, Chí energy or Pranic energy). Especially the radionic device ARE X3 Pro, which is the most powerful of the range and that can provide you with unusual possibilities (do not confuse the generator and emitter of vital energy included in a device like this, with a simple orgone accumulator. An orgone accumulator has a minimum capacity to transfer energy; and this greatly diminishes its possibilities). On the other hand the ARE X devices are very simple to use. Anyone can start using them in minutes.

                The special quality and power of the ARE X 3 Pro device, makes it one of the best options to use and directly experience the benefits of radionics. This is so both in the case you want to check by yourself any of the actions commented above by the users, as if you intend to carry out experiences related to your own objectives.


IMPORTANT.- There are other radionic devices with an orgone generator (approximate emission of up to 30,000 Bovis of power) of similar price in the market, but ARE X devices (especially ARE X3 Pro) have a 20 times higher emission of subtle energy (also called Chi, Orgón, Prana) (approximate emission of up to 600,000 Bovis of power).

This difference is essential to speed up processes. In addition the quality of components and the increase of functions of the ARE X devices, make them the most advantageous option in their relation quality, power, functions and price.


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An extraordinary opportunity to own your own ARE X3 Pro device, with a special promotional discount

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If the possibility of having your own radionic device fascinates you, you now have a unique opportunity to obtain it at an irresistible price and with magnificent conditions. This time we are promoting the most powerful device in the ARE range and the most requested by our customers:

The AREX-3 Pro DeviceRadionica AREX3 ProProduct description

It is the radionic «star device» of the series ARE X, taking into account its characteristics in addition to its high power generation and emission of orgón energy

This device has been designed to achieve the maximum efficiency and speed possible in the realization of any experience. There is no better thing in the market according to its price and characteristic.

When it was designed, it was taken into account the desire of many users to have a device of low cost and affordable that allowed reaching high degrees of satisfaction and security in their actions. 


Here are its features

  • Increased emitting power

It is the most prominent feature of this device. The subtle energy produced is measured in bovis (measure used by geobiologists and dowsers). In this instrument, 600,000.- units are reached and exceeded.


  • More dials to maximize interconnection

It’s another distinguishing feature. Given the accumulated experience in developing similar devices, it was concluded that the addition of four dials allows connecting both trend as the target more precisely. In short, it has four dials to set the target or subject and four dials to set the trend. With this it achieved perfectly tune a thing as the other, with an extraordinary level of accuracy and positive results.


  • Double generator output

The powerful double outlet is maintained through two structure tubes in noble and semi-noble metals. The use of noble materials such as silver allows greater fluidity and quality emission of subtle energy. That increases the speed of the results, especially in difficult or complex issues.


  • Preprogrammed frequencies in a single selector

It has a selector to set 9 preset output positions. This makes it easy for the operator to choose the frequency that he considers most appropriate for each type of action.


  • Manual selector to adjust the pulse output to other frequencies

Many operators (users) prefer to choose the output frequency themselves, so they can reach a wider range of experiences. This device also has an additional manual selector to satisfy this possibility of experimentation.


  • Vibrational duplication of homeopathic remedies and other substances

An action that can be performed at high speed (much greater than in the ARE X1, ARE X2 and other devices) thanks to its extraordinary power of emission


  • Food and beverage enhancement with CDI’s chosen by the operator

It’s possible to choose the Intrinsic Data Fields that the operator wants to use (radionic rates, affirmations, phrases, etc.) and radiate them to food and drinks so that they are «loaded» with the intention (see Dr. E. Moto book on this subject). Observe the interesting results and their positive effects. You can use messages to get changes at all levels. Many operators use it to improve the taste of foods, wines and all types of beverages.


  • Energize foods or beverages with subtle energy or positive frequencies

Food and beverages (the body is 70% water) can be energized using the ARE X3 Pro device. Experiment on yourself, your family and friends with different frequencies, with the so-called «terrestrial frequency», with Alpha waves, etc. Consider using this possibility in any type of vibrational therapy.


  • Load (charge) objects, stones, ornaments or decorative elements with CDI´s

Your device will allow you to transmit the Intrinsic Information Fields that you consider most appropriate to any type of object (better if they are natural objects or noble metals). For example, you can transfer the intention of a phrase or mantra in jewels, rings, quartz, various decoration objects, etc. so that you can send this intention to de person who uses them. Imagine the possibilities for action and the positive consequences of this type of action.



  • Use with animals and plants.

Radionics provides possibilities for experimentation and improvement in any living being. (See information regarding positive work with animals and plants). Many operators use this type of equipment on small and large-scale crops and land


  • Interconnectión

The ARE X3 Pro allows interconnection with other devices via cable. If you have purchased equipment such as ARE X1 or ARE X2 you can connect them in series with the ARE X3 Pro and take advantage of the synergy of several devices together to feed trends towards yourself or other subjects with greater strength. Even if you have other radionic devices that allow the interconnection, your ARE A3 Pro will allow you to reach higher levels of performance with an unusual power.


  • Ideal for alternative therapies

If you are used to working with subtle energies with people who need help, this device allows you to channel enough power to quickly improve the expected results. Many people appreciate improvements in their states in minutes. You can combine with other actions and even improve the remedies you use regularly (see detailed instructions in the user manual).


  • Perfect for complex or especially difficult goals

Many operators have reported that the ARE X3 Pro device is very effective when addressing complex targets that require the confluence of minor or secondary targets. The greater the number of possibilities for interdependence in goals or needs, the more energy will be required. The same happens in situations that have resulted in very negative circumstances. More power is required to straighten these processes. The ARE X3 Pro is perfect to act in all kinds of situations, simple or difficult, providing greater chances of success.


  • Comparison with other issuing equipmen

The ARE X3 Pro device is approximately 30 times more powerful than most equipment on the market. 25 times more powerful than the ARE X1 device, and 12 times more powerful than the ARE X2 device (And others similar equipments with 3 dials).



  • Presentation and Protection

The device is served in a compact protective case, a smart appearance one, perfect for transporting the device and avoid any damage on it. It Includes power adapter. 


  • Instructions for use

The equipment is served with perfectly understandable instructions of use, that include everything necessary to begin to work with the equipment from the first moment.


  • Very affordable price

    Taking into account its possibilities and great output power, it is the most recommended device. The investment is slightly higher than that of the ARE X2 device but the great difference is marked by its extraordinary subtle vital energy generator (very important to accelerate all processes and work with more complex objectives), in addition to having four dials connected to «Trend «Plate and four dials connected to «Target» plate. Its qualities make it absolutely redeemable and the advantages and services that will bring you are not even close to its cost.


Now even more complete.
The ARE X3 Pro device is now supplied with an accessory software. Very simple to use and that makes the use of this equipment even easier. It is important to clarify that, in any case, the ARE X3 Pro device can be used without the need for a software. That is to say, the person can choose the exclusively manual use or use, in addition, the accessory software connected to a computer (it is necessary to have Windows 10 to run the application

Computer software for radionic ARE X devices  (X2 and X3 Pro)

                Basic program for the use of ARE X radionic devices. Easy to use, it increases and simplifies the possibilities of using your radionic device. It facilitates experimentation and provides a tool that will allow you to expand the range of actions.

                It is the perfect tool for alternative therapists and people who want to get even more out of their ARE X device. It avoids the need to use writings for the definition of objectives or realization of possible experimental energetic-vibratory studies of different subjects. It can also be used for personal development actions or queuing work for personal goals of one’s own or those of others.

                It is important to note that with this program you can address not only the exploration and measurement but also the balancing (2) of each aspect separately, depending on the alteration detected in a group.

                Each group of ratios includes subgroup (which can be displayed in a menu) to specifically explore where the imbalance is in a particular way. That is, the group is measured to see if there is alteration and then the specific alteration can be investigated within what the group understands.


                 It includes:


  • Database of the most commonly used rates in energetic therapy (1)
  • The ratios are segmented by groups (to facilitate measurement and emission actions). This facilitates the work of exploration, measurement and balancing (2) in relation to any subject and on aspects such as:


    • Overall positive level
    • Psychological state
    • Cells
    • Nutrition-Metabolism
    • Neurological
    • Endocrine
    • Hematological
    • Immune system
    • Ophthalmological
    • Otolaryngologist
    • Oral-Dental
    • Pulmonary
    • Cardiovascular
    • Gastrointestinal
    • Hepatic-Biliary
    • Renal-Urological
    • Reproductive
    • Muscular-Skeletal
    • Dermatological
    • Environmental charge
    • Viral energy charge (3)
    • Bacterial energy charge
    • Toxic energy charge
    • Environmental energy charge
    • Others


  • Includes a list of affirmations specially designed for states of mind
  • Allows the inclusion and issuance of particular objectives
  • It allows the own elaboration and issuance of affirmations, mantras, decrees, wishes to make or phrases for its radionic emission
  • Allows the use and emission of colors, drawings, music or videos
  • Allows the inclusion of other radionic rates
  • It is supplied with User Manual-Quick guide easy to understand
  • It is not necessary to know how to program.
  • Designed to be used in a few minutes by people of any age without specific knowledge.
  • English or Spanish language


(Important note.- It is necessary that the computer where the program is installed uses Windows 10. The program is designed to be used with an ARE X device, seeking the highest user satisfaction. Radionic programs without the use of specific physical equipment of quality offer zero or low results.)


(1) Alphanumeric representations of states or concepts (at the vibratory level) both positive and negative to proceed with balanced energy.
(2) Exploration and balancing at the energy level, not medical or physical. Conventional analyzes can only be carried out by legally qualified professionals. Remember that legally, any possible illness must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor or medical professional according to the laws of the country of your residence.
(3) Basic program for the use of ARE X radionic devices. Easy to use, it increases and simplifies the possibilities of using your radionic device. It facilitates experimentation and provides a tool that will allow you to expand the range of actions. Ideal for alternative therapists and people who want to get even more out of their ARE X device. It avoids the need to use writings for the definition of objectives or realization of possible experimental energetic-vibratory studies of different subjects. It can also be used for personal development actions or programming work for personal goals or those of othersThe concept of «load» implies possible energy derangement of negative bias in relation to what is indicated.


You have left:


The incredible advantages of own radionic device

Owning your own radionic device will allow you to experiment with multiple possibilities like those mentioned above by the users. But in addition, almost all people find a specific field of goals to fulfil, whether of a therapeutic nature, personal development, material, spiritual or about relationship with other people.
Cambia tu Vida con la Radionica

Imagine for a moment how you could change your life by fulfilling your goals and desires. A radionic device can represent a significant change in any of the goals you currently have in mind. Consider how you and your people would benefit from solving problems that currently concern you. Of course, we are not talking about things outside of physical reality, but to bring about feasible changes that can mean a huge difference in your present conditions. You can not expect developing wings on your back or change the day to have 26 hours. A radionic equipment is not a miracle device that meets 100 x 100 anything we raise. We speak of serious and real goals. Possibilities that we consider feasible but that require the positive confluence of different events.


Anyone can easily use it

Radionics, like creative visualization, has the goal of allowing humans access to higher possibilities of action in the field that anybody can choose. Nothing more and nothing less. Visualization requires practice, development of a mental ability, constancy, dedication and plenty of time (if you want results). However, radionics allows a simple and direct targeting, a minimum preparation and follow-up time with a much higher possibility of positive resolution. Radionics do not require special training and anyone can use it at any age. On the other hand, in devices like the ARE X3 Pro, the mental energy for any action is reinforced by the high power orgone energy generator built into the device itself. This makes a fundamental difference to achieve the materialization of objectives. Any action requires energy. The ARE X3 Pro provides continuously modulated orgone energy. The constant attention by the operator is no longer essential.

Have you thought about what you would be willing to do to improve your current conditions or solve the problems that concern you? What about your goals and desires? How much would you be willing to give to make the path to them easier, relaxed or more feasible? Is it possible to tilt «luck» or conditions in your favor? The answer may lie in Radionics.



Some comments about the ARE X3 Pro device:

 Avatar “I never thought anything like that could exist. It’s fascinating to see how it works ”



“Very good results in sports”


Avatar It’s great when applying to your business.”


Avatar “Undoubtedly I have improved my relationships.”


Avatar «I started with Radionics to address health issues, but then I realized that the range of possibilities is enormous”


Avatar «I am a sensitive person and I can see and feel the flow of energy generated”


Avatar “The first problems I dealt with, were solved and I thought it was all pure chance, but there comes a time.when you have to assume that something happen when you use a radionic device like this one. This is real and you cn see how things evolve for the better ”


Avatar It’s difficult to explain why a little machine can act so positively but, according to my experience, I have no doubt. This is very effective.”


Avatar I must admit that I tried this equipment because I had a money back guarantee, but I didn’t have to use it. I’m happy with the investment.”


Avatar “For therapy it’s great. People see and feel the results. Perfect for personal affairs.”


Avatar Much better than other old radionics machines I have.”


To see more comments from users who already have the AREX3-Pro device





We have already mentioned that radionic and bioenergetic devices are sold for prices ranging between 6,000 and 15,000 euros. But now you can access the limited circle of people who use top-of-the-line radionics devices for a much more affordable price.

As a special promotion to expand the use of quality radionics, from time to time we make available to the public a set number of top-of-the-line devices at a reduced price and for a limited time. Now you can have one of the most complete packs whose total original individual value exceeds 4,100 euros , for a much cheaper total price, and more affordable. An extraordinary and unbeatable offer that we detail below along with the final price of this promotion.

      The complete promotional offer includes an authentic ARE X3 Pro professional radionics device and valuable accessories of great interest. With them you can experiment with any procedure like those described on this page.

Thanks to its quick user manual, you can enter the exciting world of radionics from the first moment. You’ll receive your complete package consisting of:


1) ARE X3 Pro complete device, with detailed instructions for use.

  • This device is the most complete and powerful of the ARE X series (See details above). It has all the elements that have made this device one of the best sellers and recognized for its quality-price-performance ratio. You will be able to experience all the radionic actions and enjoy their results.
  • It includes a perfect, neat and compact carrying case for its protection.
  • Total Guarantee (including refund of the amount paid) (see details below).
  • Original price without discount: 3.045 Euros

2) Amiens radionic scalar antenna

  • Specially developed to enhance the work carried out with any ARE X device or also to convert any mobile, tablet or computer into an accessory radionic emitter.
  • It allows the emission of ratios, phrases or statements in a simple and powerful way to influence the energy field of the subject. Also to work at a subliminal level.
  • Especially suitable for working with the operator himself (the person who uses the equipment)
  • Includes instructions for use
  • Original price without discount: 105,95 Euros

3) Radionic ratios for therapeutic use

  • Radionic rates are alphanumeric encodings related to optimal vibratory states. They make it easy to use any device for specific purposes. In this case about energy health.
  • Valued at 495 Euros in on site radionics courses
  • With instructions for use

4) Radionic ratios for personal improvement

    • In this case, they are ratios selected for various actions related to various interests: interpersonal relationships, couples, personal economy, business, etc, etc.
    • Valued at 395 Euros in on site radionics courses
    • With instructions for use

5) Chartres radionic scalar antenna

  • Specially developed to enhance the work carried out with any ARE X device or also to convert any mobile, tablet or computer into an accessory radionic emitter
  • It allows the emission of ratios, phrases or statements in a simple and powerful way to influence the energy field of the subject. Also to work at a subliminal level.
  • It differs from the Amiens Antenna in that it is especially suitable for working with a person (or persons) other than the operator himself
  • Includes instructions for use
  • Original price without discount: 105,95 Euros

  You have left:


(The complete pack of this offer can be sent directly to any country in the world through a transport agency)

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Check the different forms of payment: PayPal, transfer, VISA card. In any case, if you pay by credit card from any country, you can agree with your bank the deferred payment of the amount for the purchase.

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What are scalar radionic antennas?


  These are devices that can be used together with the ARE X3 Pro device or separately to enhance and improve results. By using them separately you can convert your cell, tablet or computer into an additional radio transmitter. They can be used for objectives similar to or different from those pursued with their main ARE X3 Pro equipment. They are used to influence a person’s vibratory field in order to facilitate positive changes. Through these antennas you can send affirmations, radionic ratios, specific phrases, music for therapy, subliminal messages, etc. (They can also be used for experiments similar to those performed by the famous Dr. Emoto)

         The Chartres Radionic Scalar Antenna is mainly used for matters related to the operator itself.

         The Amiens Radionic Scalar Antenna is primarily used for matters related to people other than the operator itself.

        Both antennas are supplied with detailed and at the same time simple instructions for use, so you can get the most out of them and start using them from the first moment. They are a perfect complement to your radionic device and will be very useful in the different objectives with which you can work.



Once the order is firm, when will it be shipped?

        Once payment of the complete pack is received, the order will leave our warehouses between 24 and 48 hours later. International shipments take between 7 and 10 days to arrive.


  I have no experience in radionics. It’s an equipment like this easy to use?

    Of course. The complete radionics pack and each of its components are delivered with complete and precise instructions, simple to understand and detailed. No previous experience is necessary or special knowledge. The success of radionic equipment lies in its simplicity compared to other methods.


Is the guarantee they give money back real?

    Absolutely. You will have 30 days from the receipt of your order to check the effectiveness of the equipment and its worth. In the unlikely event that you did not want it, you just have to return it and we will refund the amount paid in full. (Shipping costs or any other extras are non-refundable).


  Are the instructions for use in Spanish? English?

     The deviced can be shipped with Spanish, English or Portuguese instructions. Please specify when ordering.


  How long can I take to see the result of a radionic job?

      It will depend on the personal objective and individual circumstances. In matters of therapy the results can be very fast (even minutes). In general terms, time measurements cannot be established, although the device itself will show you the progress.


    Can I use the device with different objectives at the same time?

    Absolutely. Most operators have their devices running day and night, exchanging various objectives to work from time to time. On the other hand, having two additional antennas will allow you to work minor matters with them separately.



  Is it difficult to use the adhesive plate of the radionic equipment?

    Quite the opposite. One of the advantages of Radionics is that the use of basic elements such as the adherent plate (through which the different signals are perceived for use) is very simple. Following the instructions, 95% of people can use it immediately and the rest will not require more than two or three practice sessions.


If you need any additional clarification you can contact our offices by email or phone during business hours.



      We reach the end. It is up to you to decide. It’s not about believing or not believing. It’s about experimenting and checking. We do not want you to have doubts. That is why we want to offer you the possibility of a risk-free test.


You will enjoy a 30-day warranty to check the effectiveness of this type of device. In the unlikely event that your use did not satisfy you or did not obtain the expected results, you can return the ARE X 3 Pro device and fully recover the amount paid for it without explaining.




en busca de la felicidad     You may need to solve problems or situations that now consume your mind, your energy and your time. Think about it. How much would you give to find solutions to your urgent problems? Why not try a simple system that allows you to access the capabilities you need now? Don’t you think it would be valuable to have a tool that would help you today and in the future too? Of course, you can miss this opportunity, but you will also continue to endure problems that you could overcome much more easily.


     On the other hand, remember: Do not risk anything. You will have a period of 30 days to check the effectiveness of the devices you purchase. If you are not satisfied, simply return them and recover the amount paid without explanation.


You can use your credit card or Pay Pal to make your purchase. Finally, keep in mind the significant discount applied to this offer. It will be available only for the next days and for subscribers. Then the offer will disappear and you will no longer be able to purchase your AREX-3 Pro with the extended pack at a special price. Only at the usual price indicated on our website.




 You have left:

Save and start enjoying the enormous possibilities of this device by quickly receiving it by messaging. You will be glad of your good decision.



Note.- We clarify that radionics, like visualization, cannot guarantee 100 x 100 the materialization of any unrealizable goal, for the simple reason that we are subject to physical laws that prevent us from having wings or studying an engineering career in a week . However, radionics does offer to find the right vibration to accelerate the processes of materialization of what we want within the real possibilities. Tuning into those frequencies provides extraordinary possibilities according to the postulates of radionic theory. The best way to verify it in practice is through personal experimentation (All our advanced radionic equipment is shipped with a 30-day full money-back guarantee in the unlikely event that the buyer did not obtain the desired results)

(*) Radionics does not replace doctors. Radionics only considers the vibratory or energetic level, a dimension not recognized by official science. If you think you are sick, you should see your doctor or recognized healthcare staff immediately, who are legally qualified to treat illnesses and physical problems.

(+) Provided that a point of “no return” has not been reached.

(#) The suggested uses do not imply claims by the marketer. Results cannot be guaranteed since each user and circumstances are different. Any suggestions within the text should be understood as possibilities to experiment. A comprehensive money-back guarantee is provided in case the device does not meet your expectations.